Energy Efficiency Incentive Program (APEE)

Cost savings and obtain promotion through modern heating

apply APEE bonus

apply APEE bonus and save on heating costs

The "Energy Efficiency Incentive Program" (APEE) came into force on 01 January 2016. Initiated by the German Economics Ministry's it primarily pursues the aims, to put new innovation and investment impulses for a turning on heating, to save energy and costs at the same time, and ultimately to reduce CO2 emissions. Embedded in the existing funding system it extends the already existing possibilities for subsidies in the use of modern building technology.

The APEE is an additional bonus for the promotion under the market incentive program (MAP). In fulfilment of all requirements, the applicant can receive in addition an amount of 20% of the total amount of funding granted under the MAP policy for the installation of a new system. In addition, a one-time investment grant of €600 for the implementation of all necessary measures to improve the energy efficiency of the entire heating system may be granted also.

Inter alia the exchange of especially inefficient, outdated equipment by modern, efficient heating technology, such as the heat pump, is specifically supported. The applicant must receive a promotion under MAP for the installation of a system. As another funding condition beside the replacement of the heating system the entire plant has to be optimized.

Other requirements are that the existing heating system had based on fossil heat production, and that no condensing boiler technology or fuel cell technology were used. Just time for heat pumps! At the same time the exchange may not arise necessarily from any legal obligation in accordance with §10 of the Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV).

Builders, whose modernization project meets the above requirements, and their heating systems are taken from 2016 in operation are eligible to apply.

For details on APEE learn in the "Guidelines for the promotion of accelerated modernization of heating systems in use of renewable energy - Energy Efficiency Incentive Program (APEE)" (document in German language).

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